The University makes every effort to ensure that web content is accurate but does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or currency of the information. Any errors in the information that are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible. The University reserves the right to change at any time without notice of any information stored on this server. This includes information about courses or units of study offered by the University.

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Whilst every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses, the University cannot accept any liability for damages resulting from virus infection.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the website without notice.

Links to third-party information

Our website has links to many third-party information providers who are not affiliated with us. We do not endorse any of these sites, or the information or merchandise contained or offered by these sites.

We cannot make any warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, or security of any information you might be requested to give any third party. We will not be liable for any damages whatsoever as a result of you accessing other information providers through links on this site.


Any inaccuracies in web content should be reported to the Web Editing team. The team verifies the inaccuracies and based on the findings, will make the necessary corrections.