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A Proven Track Record

A number of past students of the University are now occupying highly responsible positions in various reputed and prestigious organizations including MNCs, banks, Govt. organizations, institutions of learning etc. in various places of the globe. The University maintains a vibrant industry-academia relationship and the suggestions of the experts are taken as tools for its continuous improvement. As per feedback received from the employers, the University alumni are remarkably high in professionalism and intelligence and therefore they are worthy of their fast track records.

Highest Package
Highest Package in Lacs
Offer Letter
+ Offer Letter
450 + Companies
+ Companies
Selections in one day
+ Selections in one day

Placement Cell

Training and Employment Cell 

Training and Employment Cell keep a liaison with the potential industries and provide necessary guidance to the students. The Cell facilitates arranging on-campus placements of students in various industries, makes arrangements for students to participate in off-campus drives organized at various institutions/industries and industrial training, an essential component of engineering courses is a part of the curriculum. The cell provides assistance in arranging training of students in concerned industries, which helps them in getting placements towards the completion of their courses. In this regard, the T&E cell has contacted many industries for on job training of students and has succeeded in arranging on job summer training for the students. The Training & Employment Cell also arrange lectures to improve the soft skills of the students. The objective of the event is to check the students across various disciplines such as general awareness, reasoning, communication skills and behavioural traits.


One of the unique features of the University is its commitment not only to produce quality manpower but also to guide and shape the career of the students. In order to meet this objective, the University has a Training & Placement Cell which acts as the interface between the recruiting organizations and the University students. It facilitates recruitment events on-campus as well as off-campus as required. It also organizes various pre-placement training programmes to enhance the employability of the targeted students. Currently, the Cell is headed by the DIRECTOR – training and employment.



  1. Maintaining regular interaction with the industry through Seminars, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Corporate Meets etc

  2. Planning and organizing On-Campus as well as Off-Campus recruitment activities

  3. Providing assistance to the students for completing summer training projects

  4. Providing requisite training to students in the area of Personality Development and Communication Skills

  5. Developing a database of students and presenting their curriculum to various industries

  6. Providing management consultancy for students live projects

  7. Organizing Inter-Cultural exchange with other institutions and industries


Our Recruiters 

1. Adani Power Limited
2. Reliance Power Limited 
3. Jindal Steel & Power Limited
4. Jindal Saw Limited
5. Vedanta Limited
6. Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited
7. JSW Steel Limited
8. Torrent Power Limited
9. Genus Power Limited
10. SKS Power Generation Chhatishgarh Limited
11. Amalgam Steet & Power Limited
12. MSP Power Limited
13. Ambica Steel Limited
14. Simplex Steel Limited
15. Maharashtra Seamless Limited
16. Arcel Mittal Steel Limited
17. Rashmi Steel Limited
18. Viraj Profiles Private Limited
19. Rostfrei Steels Pvt Ltd
20. Asian Colour Coated Steel Limited

Cement Plants 
1. Ultratech Cement Limited
2. J K Cement Limited
3. Wonder Cement Limited
4. MP Birla Cement Limited
5. Prism Cement Limited
6. KJS Cement Limited
7. Shree Cement Limited
8. Dalmia Cement Limited
9. JK Lakshmi Cement Limited
10. Adani Cement Limited
11. Holcim Cement Limited
12. ACC Cement Limited
13. Ambuja Cement Limited
14. Digvijay Cement Pvt Ltd
15. Topcem Cement Limited
16. Max Cement Limited
17. Star Cement Limited
18. Amrit Cement Limited
19. Goldstone Cement Limited
20. Hills Cement Pvt Ltd
21. Nuvoco Cement Limited
22. Sanghi Cement Limited
23. Lafarge Cement Limited
24. JP Cement Limited
25. Saptakoshi Cement Limited, Nepal
26. United Cement Limited, Nepal
27. Ghorahi Cement Limited, Nepal
28. Shivam Cement Limited, Nepal
29. Saurashtra Cement Limited
30. Shaurya Cement Limited, Nepal
31. Heidelberg Cement Limited
32. Husxin Cement Limited


1. Axis Bank Limited
2. Bank of America 
3. ICICI Bank Limited
4. Bandhan Bank Limited
5. HDFC Bank Limited
6. AU Small Finance Bank Limited
7. ESAF Small Finance Bank Pvt Ltd
8. Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited

Mining Companies

1. JMS Mining Private Limited
2. Proman Mining Infrastructure Pvt Ltd
3. Minsol Limited
4. TMC Mineral Corporation Limited
5. Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd
6. Gain well Caterpillar 
7. Sasan Coal Mines
8. Adani Natural Resources

Pharmaceuticals Companies

1. Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited
2. Expresolv Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
3. Synchem Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
4. Piramal Pharmaceuticals Limited
5. Mankind Pharmaceutics Limited
6. Cipla Limited 
7. Lupin Limited
8. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Limited
9. IPCA Pharma Limited
10. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited

The Team

Mr. M.K. PandeyMr. Balendra VishwakarmaMr. Manoj Singh Parihar
Advisor Head Assistant Office
Training & PlacementTraining & PlacementTraining & Placement
 Contact For : Placement and Alumni RelationsContact For : Degree/Marksheet Verification, Placement Data Verification
Mob : +91-7772887776Mob : +91-7691937776Mob : +91-7692827776 
Email :  tpo@aksuniversity.comEmail :  balendra.vishwakarma@aksuniversity.comEmail : manojparihar@aksuniversity.com 


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